Selasa, 28 Desember 2010


entah Malaysia apa maunya =_=
udahlah didiemin aja
kita damai aja
kalo kita diemin juga ntar mereka cape sendiri
intinya saya ama Nami gak damai
Indo Malay juga gak bakal damai <>
negara yg mirip muka, bahasa, berantem
UTAU yang mirip muka juga sama aja berantem @_@
ntar apaan lagi ya?
Artist yang mirip muka juga berantem?
jangan jangan ntar china korea jepang juga berantem lagi (yah, mereka sama-sama sipit soalnya)
wuah, cape bener @_@ dimana mana berantem, sana sini berantem
jangan ngomongin masalah saya ama Nami yah
soalnya dianya yang nggak mau diajak ngmg, saya mah diem-diem aja
wong Append saya yang beda jauh ama punya dia dibilang ngopi dia
dan diklaim niru Rin Len lagi, wong saya bkinnya pas Rin Len Append masih silhoutte
eh, kenapa jadi ketopik ini ya
balik ketopik masalah
Indonesia VS Malaysia
coba kita lurusin yah
kita coba damai, kalo Malaysia jelek-jelekin Indonesia lagi
yadah cuekin aja, terserah dia mau ngomongin apa, yang penting apa yang dia omongin gak bener tah?
kalau misalnya kita marah, lah berarti bener dong apa yang dia omongin?
kalau kita gak salah, ngapain mesti marah coba?
coba bayangin, misal kita dikatain
"Mo***t lu!" emg respon kita bales kan, scara marah gitu dikatain kea gitu
tapi ntar orang yang ngatain kita pasti bilang
"Ih marah!! brarti ngrasa dong!!"
nah itu dia!!! kalo kita marah, brarti kita ngerasa dong?
makanya diem-diem aja, ntar juga dianya yang cape sendiri
wong Nami ngmgin saya apa, orang-orang ngmgin saya apa
sayamah "Up to u" aja, diem aja, kalo kata saya "terserah dah lo mau ngmg apa"
loh saya nggak ngrasa kok?
ngapain marah?
kalo misalnya emang kita keseeelll!!! banget ama ntu Malaysia
ikuti cara saya!!!!
nulis nama orang yang kita benci di Jigoku Tsushin (walopun boongan)
ntar juga lega
kalo nggak
nyok kita rame-rame cari situs Jigoku Tsushin yang asli!! (lho salah ya? LOL xD kidding!!!)
haha becanda-becanda
lagian masalah gituan mah, biar negara yang turun tangan (a.k.a presiden indo ama malay meeting mendadak)
intinya kitanya juga jangan jelek-jelekin Malaysia melulu
kalo kita diem ntar juga Malaysia diem sendiri
naaahh, ntar kalo ada yang jdi supporter tim-nas
nonton ntu acara, bilangin
iya nggak??
jangan malah gara-gara dendem Markus dilaser2in kita jadi rame-rame bawa lampu sorot (lho?)
salah, maksud saya, jadi rame-rame bawa-bawa petasan, ato yang lain-lainnya yang ngengganggu pertandingan
jangan maen curang, jangan pake dukun-dukunan
kalah sportip lebih baik dari menang curang
toss dong~

maaf saya jadi rada gila LOL

oh iya, kalo bisa sebarin ini tulisan ya, kesemua orang indo, biar nyadar mereka
doain IndoMalay damai


Minggu, 28 November 2010

Mirishira Chorus & TALKLOID

i'm make Himeka, Satsuki, and Archi sing together in a chorus with somes VOCALOIDS

and i'm make TALKLOID for the first time~

Sabtu, 20 November 2010

Kagene Himeka Append Sunny sample & VOCAUTA

for the first time Himeka sings with one of VOCALOID

and himeka's append sunny sample

Selasa, 09 November 2010

Himeka & Satsuki's append power + append design

finally done recording Himeka & Satsuki's append power

and Himeka's append design xD

Rabu, 20 Oktober 2010

4 songs update

Himeka & Satsuki sings 4 songs

Electric Angel



Itsuka Egao Itsumo Egao

Rabu, 13 Oktober 2010

2 songs & Append Core

somes of UTAU user make Himeka & Satsuki sings


Sonezaki Shinju

and finally their append core

download here

Senin, 11 Oktober 2010

The Confusion Of Hatsune Miku

i'm make himeka sings The Confusion Of Hatsune Miku

Minggu, 10 Oktober 2010

update 5 songs

first is
Trick & Treat! (Himeka & Satsuki)

and then
Juvenile (Himeka & Satsuki)

Sorry to You (Himeka)

Matryoshka (Himeka & Satsuki)

and last Romeo & Cinderella (Himeka & Satsuki)

and + some UTAU user make Himeka & Satsuki sing with their UTAU

by maedahikari

by angelyn00

by Godleymangaka

by LuckyLightning13

Rabu, 06 Oktober 2010

starduster & melancholic-pv

himeka sing starduster

& melancholic pv

Senin, 27 September 2010

Okotowari Shimasu

himeka sings okotowari shimasu

Minggu, 26 September 2010

updating 3 songs + Himeka's Original Song

first is Matryoshka

then Kocchi Muite Baby!

and renraku madaa? duet ver

and also Himeka's original song

Rabu, 22 September 2010

hime sings 3 songs


and tsumi to batsu again

& VioletRebellion make himeka sings innocence using her append light

Minggu, 19 September 2010

update 3 songs

Satsuki sing 2 songs

and himeka 1 songs

Kamis, 09 September 2010

Hime Satsu Reason (everyone must look)

my name Himeka
the author of Himeka & Satsuki
i wanna give somes reasons why Himeka & Satsuki looks Like Nami or Rin & Len

Why Himeka looks like Nami or Rin??

well, look at my Old Picture

yeah, this is my old draw
she looks like Nami with Long Hair and blue eyes
or Rin in Long Black hair right??
but that was me
long black hair. eh? about the blue eyes??
well, because it's bored if i'm make the eyes same as the hair x9

Why Himeka using Jacket same as Nami??

Look at my old picture again

then, look the clothes
and long shocks
look Like Himeka right???
that was my favourite outfit you know??
and i'm always using jacket everytime everywhere

Why your Art Style look like Nami

let's look on Nami's pic My Pic and Hiro Tamura's Pic

the style is same right?? why??
because our Fav artist is same
Hiro Tamura
so our style is look same because our Fav artist is same

Then Why Satsuki look like Len??

well look at my old picture again ==
see? that was him, look like Len with short hair??
eh? about the Pony Tails??
well, i'm planned for make SoE PV
for that, i'm must makes Satsuki's hairs longer

Why Satsuki clothes same with Len??

Satsuki is always using short pants!!!
especially when he go out with me
i don't know why ==;
and also T-Shirt
i'm make him Using Jacket for make him look like Himeka

then, still wanna say i'm tracing Nami or CopyPasta Rin??

Lily Lily Burning Night Chorus

i found Himeka on this chorus

Rabu, 08 September 2010

Fate Of Soul

Himeka sings Fate of Soul

Senin, 06 September 2010

Himeka sing 2 songs

the first is Hime Hime Burning Night

and Escape Romantic

Minggu, 05 September 2010


Himeka & Satsuki sing Adolescence and i'm make it into a PV

Selasa, 31 Agustus 2010

Kagene Himeka Append

Himeka sing using append all

Sabtu, 28 Agustus 2010

Fate: Rebirth

Satsuki sing w/ Ren & Yami

Jumat, 27 Agustus 2010

RipSync & Append Solid

himeka & satsuki RipSync
i'm try for imitate the original ver of Rin & Len ^w^
download here

and now Himeka & Satsuki in Append Solid
download here

Kamis, 26 Agustus 2010

Append Light & Mosaic Role

Hime & Satsuki now in append light

& Himeka sings Mosaic Role

Selasa, 24 Agustus 2010

Maid No Hoshikara S.O.S

Himeka sing Maid No Hoshikara S.O.S
thx for Masao-san for help me ^w^

Sabtu, 21 Agustus 2010

Dreaming Leaf & Indonesia Pusaka

Himeka sing Dreaming leaf again

and Indonesia Pusaka

Jumat, 20 Agustus 2010

Torinoko City

Himeka sing Torinoko City

Selasa, 17 Agustus 2010

Dokubou Stellar Theater & Romeo and Cinderella

Satsuki sing using Append soft

and Himeka sing Romeo & Cinderella

Sabtu, 14 Agustus 2010

Dokubou Stellar Theater

Himeka sing in append sweet

Rabu, 11 Agustus 2010

Innocence & Magnet Freedom w Nami

decelean makes himeka sings innocence

Himeka sings Magnet Freedom again
now with Nami

Senin, 09 Agustus 2010

4 songs update

Himeka sing & dance

Himeka sings with Kamirei
Scarlet M∞N

Satsuki sings Nisoku Hokou or Two Breaths Walking

Godley Mangaka make Himeka sings with her UTAU
miketsu no matsuri

Sabtu, 07 Agustus 2010

Rin Rin Signal

Hime & Satsuki sings Rin2 Signal

Jumat, 06 Agustus 2010

3 songs and world end dancehall

himeka sings nisoku hokou

himeka & nami sing scarlet moon

himeka & satsuki sing good bye to you of tomorrow

himeka & satsuki sing world end dancehall for the 2nd time

Senin, 02 Agustus 2010

Niisoku Hokou, Mirishira PV and Guilty Verse

Himeka sings two breaths walking

makes a pv of Mirishira Romeo & Cinderella

Satsuki sings Guilty Verse by Godot326

Senin, 26 Juli 2010

SPICE! and Kocchi Muite Baby!

Himeka & Satsuki in Spice pv by rikaga

I finally made it to make a PV! (a short one, of course. Never know it took so many frames to complete a 1.29 minute long PV! It's 246 frames. No joking!) xD it took me forevah!! T_T but at least I made it xD yay 5 days of pain and suffer finally finished. I'm gonna take a vacation after this oh LOLs.

I do NOT own: Len [I wish I did...], Luka, Rin, Himeka, Satsuki, Kaito, Neru, or other characters contained here. Yes, Himeka and Satsuki Kagene are Indonesian UTAUloids. Since my UTAU is an UTAU, then it's not a problem -3- met their creator here: Himeka
UST by Haloheroine, music by Minato. I already credited you folks in the PV, so no worries.

Wanna know a secret?
I made this PV with adobe imageready and Windows movie maker xD
[for real! I can't afford anime studio pro or something like that... other than being a NEET, I am also broke -3-]

This is my first try making a PV for my own UTAUloid, so comments and critics, hatred and happiness may improved me xD oh so sad, Spice pv by my husband is flagged? How come? This world is so unfair... TT3TT

and himeka sing Kocchi Muite Baby!

Himeka sing Kocchi Muite Baby originally by Hatsune Miku
composed by RYO / Supercell
the 2nd Project DIVA op PV

UST by nmasao

Minggu, 25 Juli 2010

Secret ~Black Vow~

i'm use my first PV from parody Canvas Ranger for this song
hope you like this song
i love this song ^w^

Ust by Skyloids (Koorima1)
Original Kagamine Rin Len
Composer hitoshizukuP

Jumat, 23 Juli 2010

sing with MILLYA

this time i'm make ANTI THE∞HOLiC again
now with MILLYA
who's MILLYA?
MILLYA is an UTAU newcomer from Indonesia
i love her voice

i'm make Himeka sings with Millya again
i love the pic so much ^w^

Rabu, 21 Juli 2010

OFF LIMITS and New Song by Jm32598

Original by Hatsune Miku
Music by wowakaP
UST by Koorima1

i'm look Len Version on NicoNico
and think for make Satsuki sing this song
and search for the ust but not found it TT_TT
and finally asking Nami-nee where she download the UST
thx Nami-nee :3

and Jm32598
or Godot326
makes himeka sings Lie & Time Machine with Utaune Nami

Selasa, 20 Juli 2010

ANTI THE∞HOLiC -Boy Version-

Satsuki sing with Sora Kageru

i'm try for make Sora sing with Satsuki
they sounds simillar O_O

Minggu, 18 Juli 2010

Kagene Himeka Houki Boshi

Jm32598 makes himeka's sing houki boushi
song from Bleach

Sabtu, 17 Juli 2010


making an pv again
done in 1 days
i'm finish it yesterday
i love how Satsuki & Himeka sings here

Composer Owata-P
Ust Jibunga-P
Original Kagamine Len

Kagene Satsuki - Len
Kagene Himeka - Rin
Utaune Nami - Miku
Ikune Ren - KAITO
Meruku Kageru - Gackpo
EMU-3M - Gumi
Nekone Yami - Luka

Jumat, 16 Juli 2010

Update 3 songs

World's End Dancehall

ouch, their voice not suits this song ==
UST by Koorima1

Why Don't You Call Me Yet?

i love this song so much~~~
VSQ by Sango312

First Tone

finally!!! hajimete no oto~~~
i'm search the UST for a long2 times
and finally found it~~~
thx for making the UST navysky1995-san xDDDD
if you look the bg
you will know the cloud is move ^w^

UST by navysky1995

Senin, 12 Juli 2010

Append Soft & 4 songs update

Himeka & Satsuki's append soft now can be download
at here

and Himeka sing 3 songs



Original song by Kagamine Rin
UST by Refill
i'm make himeka sing this song
i'm search for the karaoke and finally found it yesterday ==


Dreaming Leaf

Original song by Kagamine Rin
UST masao

i love this song so much

using append soft

Dark Alice

try for use her append soft
i love Dark Alice so much
especially the outfit
Music by Samfree
Ust by Yurahonya
Original by Hatsune Miku

and Satsuki sing good bye days
original by YUI

Original by YUI
Ust by Haloheroine (youtube)
i love the song so much
and i love YUI voice xD

Jumat, 09 Juli 2010

UTAU-PV and Panties

a very simple UTAU-pv made by me ==
so simple hoho
i love this song so much~~~
original By Hatsune Miku
ust by Kuroyama
Original vid by Haji-P


Original Song By Kagamine Rin
Music By Takapon-G
i love this song
but i think Himeka's sounds not suits this song O_O
Ust by Yurahonya P


Kamis, 08 Juli 2010

Lie & Time Machine

Original by Kagamine Rin & Len
Ust by UTAUxyz


i'm saw the PV and in the PV
Rin is mad with Len
so i'm made the cover just like that xP

Selasa, 06 Juli 2010

Update 4 songs and UTAU Game

Updating 4 song and UTAU Game

Magnet in Emu & Himeka version
now Magnet Freedom on Himeka & Satsuki version
i love this song so much!!

request from my friend
she said wanna hear Himeka sing world is mine
so i'm make her sing this song
but her sounds is very bad ==
and the next is World is Mine by Satsuki
in World is Mine Len version

this is not another World is Mine
this World is mine in Len version made by me
remake from WiM in Miku version

first, i'm wanna make the cover just like the real
but i can't!!!
i'm forget the pose when i'm make this pic!!
so i'm make the cover like this
i'm sorry

Kimi no Shiranai Monogatari in UTAU game
oh my god
my voice is suck TT_TT

Jumat, 02 Juli 2010

i'm forget for Update & Paper Plane

first i'm forget for Update this song

my 2nd try using append, the Ne part and the breaths part are suck ==
music by supercell
ust by namiko89
ending song from Bakemonogatari

and Himeka sing Paper Plane original by Rin

make this song very harrrdd!!!!
i'm make the UST from midi by micandonburi
very hard ==
hope you like this song
UST by Me
midi by Micandonburi
music by shujinP
original Rin Kagamine

Senin, 28 Juni 2010

Append and ANTI THE∞HOLiC

making an append it's hard
Len suggest me for making Himeka & Satsuki append
oh, and i'm success make the append dark of them

can be download here

and this is the sample

Sabtu, 26 Juni 2010

Mirishira Romeo to Cinderella

i'm too lazy for making Romeo & cinderella
so im make the mirishira version :p

finally, i'm make Himeka sing this song O_O
i think the original is Utaune Nami
i love this song ^w^
i will make PV version of this song latter
and in this vid i'm put somes my old draws
hopes you like this

Jumat, 25 Juni 2010

LION and Ladies First

Himeka & Satsuki singing together
Opening from Macross F LION

haha~~ i'm make them singing LION
op song from Macross F
hope you like this ^w^

& now
for the first time
Himeka, sing, with Utaune Nami

this is my 2nd pv i'm made for my UTAU and for Nami
3 days
without sleeping Owo
hopes Nami-senpai will love this vid TT_TT
original Megurine Luka & Hatsune Miku
Music OsterPROJECT
Ust USagiBi
Illust Himeka (me)
Utaune Nami namiko89
Kagene Himeka dejikyarat (me)
Ayane Wakana ReVoiceloids
EMU 3M KonanEvangel

Selasa, 22 Juni 2010

Nameless Song

Satsuki's sing Nameless Song

finally Satsuki sing nameless song~~~
ust by UTAUReni
original Kagamine Len

Jumat, 18 Juni 2010

Migikata no chou Satsuki

now is satsuki version xDDD

now Satsuki's side~~~
finally i'm make him singing alone (usually always with himeka
make this song it's more easy than make Himeka's side
hope you like this
original Kagamine Len
ust by Kuroyama

Himeka & Satsuki LipSynchro

preview for Himeka & Satsuki's LipSynchro
can be downloaded here

Kamis, 17 Juni 2010

Migikata no chou

i'm make Himeka singing Migikata no Chou

make this sonhg it's so hardd!!! huaaaaa!!!!!
and the pic it's hard for draw to~~~
hope you like this
original : Kagamine Rin

New Videos and VOICEBANK act.2

i'm make Himeka & Satsuki voicebank act.2
you can download here

and himeka sing with EMU-3M again

himeka sing with EMU again
using her voicebank act.2
i'm more like this one than the first one
original by Kagamine Rin & Megurine Luka

Sabtu, 12 Juni 2010

2 videos about Himeka

the first is Utopian

original song by Kagamine Rin
Ust by Kumataro
hope you like this ^w^

and the second is Magnet with EMU-3M

two Indonesian UTAU
Himeka and EMU
i make Himeka & Satsuki sing this song :3
Original by Hatsune Miku & Megurine Luka
Ust by yurahonya
Music by Minato

hope you like this :3

Senin, 07 Juni 2010

Nekomimi Switch

now Kagene Himeka & Satsuki singing Nekomimi Switch~~~
original by Kagamine Rin Len

Sabtu, 05 Juni 2010

Voicebank download!!

finally our voicebank it's done!!!
you can download here
it's about 29 mb

Jumat, 04 Juni 2010

Love Is War

Himeka & Satsuki singing Love is War

The New UTAU & Hime Satsu ★ Fire Endless Night

my new UTAU is released~~~
Kagene Himeka & Satsuki
first songs
Hime Satsu ★ Fire Endless Night

them voicebank is in progress