Kamis, 09 September 2010

Hime Satsu Reason (everyone must look)

my name Himeka
the author of Himeka & Satsuki
i wanna give somes reasons why Himeka & Satsuki looks Like Nami or Rin & Len

Why Himeka looks like Nami or Rin??

well, look at my Old Picture http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=294099&id=1822514199&ref=fbx_album

yeah, this is my old draw
she looks like Nami with Long Hair and blue eyes
or Rin in Long Black hair right??
but that was me
long black hair. eh? about the blue eyes??
well, because it's bored if i'm make the eyes same as the hair x9

Why Himeka using Jacket same as Nami??

Look at my old picture again

then, look the clothes
and long shocks
look Like Himeka right???
that was my favourite outfit you know??
and i'm always using jacket everytime everywhere

Why your Art Style look like Nami

let's look on Nami's pic http://najwah-namine.deviantart.com/art/UTAUloid-Utaune-Nami-154927468 My Pic http://mikanxsakura.deviantart.com/art/Rin-Len-World-163678052 and Hiro Tamura's Pic http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=9523273

the style is same right?? why??
because our Fav artist is same
Hiro Tamura
so our style is look same because our Fav artist is same

Then Why Satsuki look like Len??

well look at my old picture again ==
see? that was him, look like Len with short hair??
eh? about the Pony Tails??
well, i'm planned for make SoE PV
for that, i'm must makes Satsuki's hairs longer

Why Satsuki clothes same with Len??

Satsuki is always using short pants!!!
especially when he go out with me
i don't know why ==;
and also T-Shirt
i'm make him Using Jacket for make him look like Himeka

then, still wanna say i'm tracing Nami or CopyPasta Rin??

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